Meta Knight is a mysterious knight with high speed. His Super Smash is called "Galaxia Darkness", but watch out! Use it on "Team Brawl", and injure your allies to!! His first "head spinning" move is called "Mach Tornado". His second "twirling" move is called "Drill Rush". Third is a devastating launch move called "Shuttle Loop". Finally, his "vanishing" fouth move is called "Dimensional Cape". Next is King Dedede. Here is a funny picture of Meta Knight, his Super Smash picture, and a plain picture.
A blog of a christian teen who writes stories that he makes up or reveiws on characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Super Smash Bros Brawl: Kirby
Kirby is your basic secial move stealer. His super smash is called "Cook Kirby". His swallowing first move is called "Inhale". His whacking second move is called "Hammer". His come back third move is called "Final Cutter". His transforming fourth move is called "Stone". Next is Meta Knight! Here is a picture of Kirby and one with his Super Smash in action.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Super Smash Bros Brawl: Link
Link is up now (alright also Toon Link. They are the same person, you know)! His Super Smash is called "Triforce Slash". His first move is one that can go distances. It is called "Bow". Next is a attack that can be used for the air and for the ground. That one is called "Spin attack". Another ranged attack is called "Boomerang". Finally, Link can grab a bomb and throw it at the enemy. Here is a picture os Link and Toon Link and a picture of Link in middle of a "Triforce Slash". Next is Kirby.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sonic And The Lady Of The Lake
“Maybe you should look for The Lady Of The Lake to find out if there is a way to reduce Excalibur’s power, Sonic!” Merlina suggested. So, Sonic went to find the lake.
“Where is the lake, anyway?” Sonic asked. Just then, he was there.
“Hello brave knight.” The Lady Of The Lake said.
“Ahhhh!!!!! You look just like Amy!” Sonic said before he started to run.
“What are you doing? Who is this Amy?” Caliburn yelled at Sonic.
“That girl is crazy for me!!!” Sonic thundered as he came back.
“This is not this Amy girl. She is The Lady Of The Lake!” Caliburn said calmly.
“Well, when you put it that way!” Sonic exclaimed as he moved closer to The Lady Of The Lake.
“Don’t do that!!!” Caliburn roared. Sonic went away from The Lady Of The Lake, but stayed there in the same area.
“You’re here to get rid of Excalibur’s powers, aren’t you?” The Lady Of The Lake asked Sonic.
“Yes I am!” Sonic said, surprised.
“I gave King Arthur Excalibur because his other sword broke.” The Lady Of The Lake explained.
“If you do 3 things for me, I will tell you what you need to get in order to defeat Excalibur.” She continued.
“What are the quests?” Sonic asked.
“First, you need to give villagers 100 rings. Second, you need to practice using Soul surge. Third, you need to help some villagers. All this must be done in 2 days.” The Lady Of The Lake requested to Sonic.
“You can count on me!!” Sonic said with courage.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Super Smash Bros Brawl: Zelda and Sheik
Let's talk about Zelda and Sheik. Sheik's moves are deadly. Zelda is a master at magic. Zelda's Super Smash is the same as Sheik's. It is called "Light Arrow". Zelda's and Sheik's same move is called "Transform". Zelda has a deflector called "Naryu's Love". Second is a explosive ball of fire called "Din's Fire". Finally, Zelda has a teleportation move called "Farore's Wind". Here is a picture of Zelda.![]()
Sheik's moves,except for "Transform", are simple moves. First up is a teleportation move a lot like Zelda's. It is called "Vanish". Next is a needle throwing attack. That is called "Needle Storm". Finally, there is a chain attack called "Chain". Next up is Link. But for now, here is a picture of Sheik.
Sheik's moves,except for "Transform", are simple moves. First up is a teleportation move a lot like Zelda's. It is called "Vanish". Next is a needle throwing attack. That is called "Needle Storm". Finally, there is a chain attack called "Chain". Next up is Link. But for now, here is a picture of Sheik.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sonic, Caliburn, And Lancelot
Sonic, with his sword in hand, attacked dummies that Merlina put up.
“You're better than I thought, Sonic!” Merlina said as Sonic cut every dummy up.
“This is easy!” Sonic said.
“You should look for the legendary sword Caliburn.” Merlina suggested. Sonic then went to look for Caliburn. Finally, he found it and pulled out of the ground.
“ Whoa!” Sonic said in awe.
“You're just a Knave!” a voice said.
“Who said that?” Sonic yelled.
“Me, Caliburn! The sword your holding!” Caliburn exclaimed.
“You can talk?” Sonic asked Caliburn.
“Of course, Knave!” Caliburn yelled at Sonic. Then, Lancelot appeared.
“Let me test your real skills!” Lancelot challenged Sonic.
“Shadow?” Sonic said.
“No. I’m Lancelot!” Lancelot yelled. So, the fight began. With tremendous skill, Sonic overpowered Lancelot.
“How is that possible?” Lancelot boomed. Sonic found Lancelot’s sword interesting.
“You're too slow!!!!” Sonic taunted.
“It is yours by right. After a battle the winner gets the loser’s equipment.” Caliburn said to Sonic.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Merlina and Sonic
Merlina, Merlin’s granddaughter, is running away from Camelot, while King Arthur, turned evil by the invincible power of Excalibur, is trying to catch her. Then he waves his sword, and waves of Underworld creatures come from where the sword went in the air. Merlina was surrounded. She uses a spell( the words of which I do not know) and a circle appears above her and Sonic, the world’s fastest hedgehog, appears with 2 hotdogs falls from the hole.
“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sonic yells in the air. Finally on the ground, Sonic looks around. Seeing the creatures, Sonic says
“Oh, I get it! I’m used to this stuff!” With that, Sonic made a tornado around Merlina. All of the Underworld creatures die and King Arthur is the last one left. Sonic charges King Arthur, A.K.A. The Black Knight, but Merlina stopped him.
“You’re not ready yet.” She says. Sonic stops while King Arthur leaves. Merlina gives Sonic a sword to train with to be a knight.
“Get rid of him.” King Arthur says to Percival, Lancelot, and Gawain.
"Yes, my lord." The 3 knights said.
"Yes, my lord." The 3 knights said.
“He seems different.” Percival said.
“We still need to listen to him.” Lancelot replied.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Super Smash Bros Brawl:Samus And Zero Suit Samus
Now, let's talk about Samus and Zero Suit Samus. Samus is from the Metroid Prime series. Samus is your basic weapons user. Her Super Smash is called "Zero Laser". It launches a powerful beam that pulls enemies and can move up or down. First of all,she can launch a missle which is called "Missle". There is a missle that goes for enemies and another one that goes straight. Second, this move allows her to go into a ball and drop a bomb. It is called "Morph Ball Bomb". Third, she goes up and makes enemies go up with her. This is called "Screw Attack". Finaly, Samus can carge up and launch a shot from her beam. This is called "Charge Shot". Here is a picture of Samus
Zero Suit Samus appears when you use Samus's Super Smash or when you hold the "R" button on the Nintendo Gamecube Controller at the beginning of the battle until you actullay begin. Her Super Smash is called "Power Suit Samus". She goes back to Samus with it. First is a gun that goes to a short range but stops people from moving for a few seconds. This is called "Paralyzer". Second, Zero Suit Samus flips into the air and lands behind a enemie if a enemie is in front of you. This is called "Flip Jump". Third.she can launch a plasma beam into the air and grab ledges with it. This is called "Plasma Wire". Finally, She can launch a plasma beam right in front of her. This is called "Plasma Whip". Next is Zelda and Sheik. But for now, here is a Picture of Zero Suit Samus.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Super Smash Bros Brawl: Ike
Alright, I want to talk about characters from SSBB (Super Smash Bros Brawl). My first one is my favorite character: Ike. He is from Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance and Fire Emblem Radient Dawn. He is slow but powerful in SSBB. Ike uses his sword (called Ragnell). He throws Ragnell down onto enemies to deal massive damage. His Super Smah is called "Great Aether" (silent A in Aether). But Ike's move to come back in SSBB is deadly if done incorrectly. He throws Ragnell into the air and goes up to it and grabs it and falls down. That move is called "Aether". He can move sideways a distance also, so he can live by doing that. That move is called "Quick Draw". His powerful move can damage him if held to long. That cause a explosion around him and is called "Eruption". Finaly, he can counter other attacks and doubles it back a ways. The move is called "Counter". I will explain Zero Suit Samus and Samus next. But for now, here is a picture of Ike. I'm including a funny picture of Ike and a picture of his Super Smash in action.
LEGO Ninjago: New Set
Well, a few days ago I got the Dojo Special Edition. It comes with 14 weapons, Cole DX, the Dojo (of course), and a skeleton named Bonezai. It is fun to play with. I have 5 guys now, instead of 3. I use this every once in a while. This costs 53.50 to buy. It has 463 peices to build the dojo with.
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