Monday, December 19, 2011

LEGO Heroica: Chapter 2: Waldurk Forest

Waldurk Forest. The place Druids used to teach each other is now home to one of them, the Dark Druid. He is the only Druid who went bad. The Druid hero and the Ranger meet the Barbarian on the edge of the forest. Once introductions are made, they head out to fight the bats, giant spiders, and the Dark Druid. The bats and spiders were easy enough, but the Dark Druid took all three of them to beat. After the battle, the Barbarian went to meet the Wizard and some of there reinforcements.

Based on Waldurk Forest. Game play will very.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

LEGO Heroica: Chapter 1: Draida Bay

A Barbarian was at Draida Bay one day and saw goblins on the beach. He also saw a Wizard attacking them. He helped the Wizard fight them off. After beating the Goblin General the Wizard found a map and some gold crystals. "These may come in handy." The Wizard said. The map contained relics and the gold crystal was one of them. So, the Barbarian and the Wizard split up. The Barbarian went to Waldurk Forest to find the Druid and the Ranger. The Wizard went to the Caverns Of Nathuz to find the Rogue and to wait for the Barbarian.

Based on LEGO Heroica Draida Bay Game. Game play will very

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adventure Game Version ?: LEGO Heroica

This game has 4 characters, 4 dice, and a lot of bad guys. The four characters are Wizard/Druid, Ranger/Knight, Barbarian, and Rouge. The first two die are for moving and the last two are for attacking. The last two will be described here. The first of the two has damage from 2-6 and a miss/roll other die space. The other die has a 1 damage counter and a 3 damage counter. It also has shield, heal, miss and heal 1/2 life, and a wall piece. (This is how I play it. You can play it anyway you want) Based on the LEGO Heroica games.