Friday, March 25, 2011

LEGO Ninjago: How To Play

This is how you play LEGO Ninjago: Spinjitzu Spinners! First, choose a character, three weapons, and 4 battle cards. Then put a weapon in the guy's hand. Put him in a spinner. Then, players yell "NINJAAAAAAAAAGOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" After someone falls, not both, winner takes weapon held by loser.You can play cards at any time. After the weapons are with 1 player, give weapons back to other player. As long as your guy has enough power to play card, you can. there are power bars on character cards. Some can only be played with a golden weapon. With more than 4 battle cards, you can make a "battle deck". With the deck, you can grab 4 cards. Use them if you can and when you want to. That is how you play LEGO Ninjago: Spinjitzu Spinners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is a pretty good explanation, actually.

  2. Actually, it sounds like a super exciting game. I think I would play it just so I would get to yell, "NINJAAAAAAGOOOOO!!!" Also, if I were to make up a game, I think that is one of the rules I would write. To have to yell something. Sounds pretty cool.

  3. Also, this is Heather Kulaga in case you wonder who Kulio is. I commented on the last two posts too. Don't get freaked out that Kulio is a blog stalker!!!!!

    If you do, just yell NINJAAAAAAGOOOOO!!!!

  4. Do you play this game with little Westra?

  5. Yes, he ACTUALLY plays this game with Westra.
    And every blog needs a stalker like Mrs. Kulaga.
